Larry Wright

Teachings and Life

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Larry Wright was born February 6, 1933 and died on October 7, 2001. After graduating from college, Larry and his wife, Sue, moved to Phoenix from Oklahoma. Larry was in radio broadcasting for 26 years and became Arizona's leading disc jockey in the 1960s under the name Lucky Lawrence.

At the pinnacle of what was termed business success, Larry sensed an emptiness in his life and described his marriage as in shambles. Sue, with no place to turn, was introduced into a personal relationship with Jesus at Bethany Bible Church. Larry, noticing the change in Sue's life, initially rejected her new walk with Jesus Christ, but the reality in her everyday living eventually led Larry to receive Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Romans 5:1. says, "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ'.

His new walk restored his marriage and relationship with his three young daughters. Soon he was leading Bible studies and teaching a class at Bethany Bible Church. After mentioning the possible desire to leave radio, a few Christian businessmen contacted Larry about going into full-time Christian ministry.

In June of 1979, Abundant Life, a non-denominational outreach directed primarily to unchurched businessmen was formed. From the original 18 that attended at the Phoenix Country Club Bible study, Abundant Life grew to multiple Bible studies throughout the Valley. Tom Shrader, was one of the early attendees and through Larry's teaching and mentoring, received Jesus Christ and went on to pastor East Valley Bible Church. Having a deep desire to be used to save and enhance marriages through God's plan, Larry and Sue spoke often at marriage seminars both locally and nationally. Larry and Sue's program on Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family entitled "Back from the Brink of Divorce" has been a favorite and repeated many times.

Deteriorating health including rheumatoid arthritis and throat cancer started to limit Larry's traveling, but his schedule remained full with two Bible Studies and a position as teaching pastor at Northwest Community Church. Larry always said he wouldn't stop talking about Jesus Christ until he was physically and verbally unable. It was Sunday morning at Northwest Community Church when Larry, preparing to do what God had gifted him to do so many times before, suffered a heart attack. A short time later at Thunderbird Hospital he went home to be with his magnificent Lord.

Larry is survived by Sue, his wife of 46 years, three daughters, sons-in-law and 9 grandchildren. Larry's life verse was John 17:3: 

"This is life eternal, that they may know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."